(PM 10:48) Jessie:
can ahha
(PM 10:48) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:48) ❤RENA candy:
can wat??
(PM 10:48) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
nobody left!
(PM 10:48) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:48) ❤RENA candy:
i miss you people okay!
(PM 10:48) Jessie:
ok so you all still want to go wtach movie
(PM 10:49) Jessie:
or camwhore at some place
(PM 10:49) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
i want! Haha!
(PM 10:49) ❤RENA candy:
i want to camwhore man!!!
(PM 10:49) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:49) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
buut aft movie still can cam whore eh?
(PM 10:49) Jessie:
haha i want to go clark quey to camwhore hahah
(PM 10:49) Jessie:
can we go
(PM 10:49) Jessie:
or raffles ahaha
(PM 10:49) ❤RENA candy:
itsnt it the same?
(PM 10:49) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
ohoh!raffles got th helium balloon!
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
wats wrong with you charmaine?
(PM 10:50) Jessie:
haha i dont know ahhaha then must wear stylo milo ahaha and take pictures
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
want to go raffles
(PM 10:50) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:50) Jessie:
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
ye yes
(PM 10:50) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
Got th elmo loves you this much ballon!
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
but dun dress like a whore(:
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
or ah lian
(PM 10:50) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:50) Jessie:
ok no problem ahahah
(PM 10:50) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
sleeveless ripcurl & skirt can right?
(PM 10:50) Jessie:
must wear ncie maybe i wearing shorts hahaha
(PM 10:50) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
ahahha and slippers
(PM 10:51) ❤RENA candy:
when do you wear skirt huh??
(PM 10:51) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
wha lauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
(PM 10:51) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
i got no shorts. D:
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
weaar skinnies
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
haha just kididng it will be damn hott
(PM 10:51) ❤RENA candy:
its like you always wear pant when you are with us
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
wear shorts then
(PM 10:51) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
nahhh!i'll stick to my skirt okayyyyyyyyyyy!
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
(PM 10:51) ❤RENA candy:
when did you become so feminine huh??
(PM 10:51) Jessie:
i wantto camwhore alot
(PM 10:51) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:52) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
since this year cny!
(PM 10:52) ❤RENA candy:
wanna hook guys up huh??
(PM 10:52) Jessie:
(PM 10:52) ❤RENA candy:
just kidding(:
(PM 10:52) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
crap you luhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
(PM 10:52) ❤RENA candy:
dun hook them.hook us up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(PM 10:52) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
i will hook you all up!
(PM 10:52) Jessie:
(PM 10:52) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:52) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:53) ❤RENA candy:
i only want melvin!!!!!!!!
(PM 10:53) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:53) Jessie:
hahahaha i want my seth hahaha
(PM 10:53) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
wha lauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(PM 10:53) ❤RENA candy:
i dunno who charmaine want
(PM 10:53) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:53) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
i also dont know?
(PM 10:53) Jessie:
me la right
(PM 10:53) Jessie:
hahaha ego shitititt
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
must think and waste brain cells!
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
so i dont waste it, cause i love th tigger on my bed!
(PM 10:54) Jessie:
ahahhh ...
(PM 10:54) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
so bad eh you?
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
whatever! me.
(PM 10:54) ❤RENA candy:
i m bad you know?!
(PM 10:54) ❤RENA candy:
not like you......
(PM 10:54) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
yes i kknow.
(PM 10:55) Jessie:
ahahaha the way you fight is so cute
(PM 10:55) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
if not why we have some weird blog tgt?
(PM 10:55) ❤RENA candy:
you lar.weird person
(PM 10:55) Jessie:
ahhaha .
(PM 10:55) ❤RENA candy:
charmaine act cute lar=p
(PM 10:55) Jessie:
(PM 10:55) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:55) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:55) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
is you lorrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(PM 10:55) Jessie:
my bear is cuter please >>>
(PM 10:55) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:56) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:56) Jessie:
hahaha just kidding i feel so ego now ahha
(PM 10:56) ❤RENA candy:
but my melvin cuter=p
(PM 10:56) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:56) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
who cares about melvin other than you?
(PM 10:56) Jessie:
(PM 10:56) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:56) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
jessie & i wont care.would we?
(PM 10:56) Jessie:
i dont know ahhaha depends
(PM 10:57) ❤RENA candy:
jessie will care for me(:
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
care for you but not melvin.
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:57) Jessie:
(PM 10:57) ❤RENA candy:
i care for melvin can ready(:
(PM 10:57) ❤RENA candy:
i only need him(:
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
nobody cares.
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:57) ❤RENA candy:
i care!!!!
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
then elmo doesnt need cookie monsta too?
(PM 10:57) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:58) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:58) ❤RENA candy:
jessie stop changing dp lar
(PM 10:58) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:58) Jessie:
ahhaha funn what
(PM 10:58) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
changwe dp also wrong...
(PM 10:58) ❤RENA candy:
(PM 10:58) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
so kelian lehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(PM 10:58) ❤RENA candy:
you good!
(PM 10:58) Jessie:
(PM 10:59) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
(PM 10:59) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
wha lauuuuuuuuuuuuuu
(PM 10:59) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
need to off com soon liao lehhhhhhhhhhhh
(PM 10:59) ❤RENA candy:
love you two<3
(PM 10:59) Sexyyy Voiceeee♣:
my bro sleeping in th study.
(PM 10:59) ❤RENA candy:
thats what happen yesturday night while talking to them(:
before going to hyatt went to marina square
my mum bought me a rip curl top&a roxy wallet
i beg for that wallet!!!!
&i got it(:
begging really works(:
after that went to hyatt met my cousin
i never see them for ages?!
i miss them(:
(but most of all i miss melvin(: )
i miss him so badly...
enjoy talkin to him though.
its like damn funny(: